Friday, November 22, 2013

America's Ultimate Betrayal-The Death of JFK!

    Most of us believe that America is being subverted by the enemy within.  Do you believe in Environmental Warfare?  The Physical manipulation and mind control.  "Star Wars" called HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) technology that is based on Nicola Tesla's inventions.  I believe our government officials have sold us down the drain - lock stock and barrel.  Make yourself comfortable and I will share some knowledge and wisdom I have learned about the events that surround the life and death of the only true President of the United States since Andrew Jackson (JFK).  President John F Kennedy.

     I remember my Daddy telling me that one day we would run into a problem with our taxes and the deficit.  He would always say, I don't understand why we keep borrowing money we don't have in this country, when we are the number one superpower nation in this world.  Well, I am here to tell you that if JFK had of lived we would not have the Federal Reserve System as we know it today. 

     In 1963, ten days before President Kennedy was killed, he gave a speech to Columbia University:  I quote..."The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the Americans FREEDOM, and I quote what he said:  "Before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight."  He says that, according to the constitution of the United States, (article 1 Section 8), only Congress as the authority to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.  However, since 1913 this Article has been ignored by creation and existence of the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, which has given private owned corporation the power and authority to "create" and coin the money of the United States of America!  The FEDERAL RESERVE is comprised of 12 private credit monopolies who have been given the authority to control the supply of the "FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES," interest rates and all the other monetary, banking phenomena.

    In 1963, President Kennedy signed a Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, which stripped the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest.  This decree meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the U.S. government could introduce new money into circulation based on the silver bullion physically held therein.  As a result, more than $4 trillion in UNITED STATES NOTES were brought into circulation in $2 dollar bills, and $5 dollar bills with the RED SEAL.  The $10 and $20 dollar bills never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when President Kennedy was assassinated (Nov. 22, 1963).  President Kennedy knew that if the silver backed UNITED STATES NOTES were circulated, they would have eliminated the demand for the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES.  By giving the U.S. Treasury the CONSTITUTIONAL authority to coin U.S. money once again, with the Executive Order 11110 would prevent the national debt from rising due to "usury" that the American people are charged for "borrowing"(i.e., using)FRN's  Read JFK vs FED on the internet.  Read the book "A TRUE PROFILE OF COURAGE" by Kennedy.

     The way the FEDERAL RESERVE works:  These are 12 monopolies, not owned by the United States:  "create and print", FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES that are "lent" to the American government.  This is a circular affair, the government grants the FEDERAL RESERVE the power to create the money.  Then the FEDERAL RESERVE loans the money back to the government, charging interests on the debt.  It is very interesting to note that the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT and the 16 AMENDMENT  which gave congress the power to collect income taxes, were both passed in 1913.  The FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES are not backed by anything of "intrinsic" value. (gold or silver).  The FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM is owned by the ROTHCHILDS who do not pay taxes or income taxes to the United States Of American.  Evelyn Rothchild is the wealthiest man in the world!

     What did President Kennedy ask us to do?  He said, I quote, "ASK NOT WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU, BUT ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY."  Today we all should remember that if Kennedy had lived, we would not have the Federal Reserve Notes, instead our money would read United States Notes!  We would not have to pay the IRS, taxes and the deficit would have been eliminated!  We would not be facing this New World Order as we know it today!  Kennedy is gone but his spirit lives on and he is telling us to petition congress and get on the firing line. Let all the members in the government know that we are on to them.  There is power in pray!  We have a heavenly Father that loves us and he will go the last mile of the way for us, because we are the children of the world.  We will fight the good fight like Paul of Tarus and we will win!  This is our country the U.S.A. and it might be prefect, but there are people fighting and dying to come to this country to be FREE!  We must let FREEDOM RING!  Stand up and be counted.  Lets not leave this mess behind for our children, and there children to face.  Lets have peace on earth and good will to all mankind.  Let us wake up our Congressman and let the know we will not stand for the New World Order!  They made the mess, and now its time for them to man up and fix it.  If not for our children, what about theirs!  Do they not care or what!  I want to see action, not talk!  I want them to put their money where their mouth is, and clean up America they claim to love!  God Bless You and Yours Always!  I hope this blog will get out to all of you that are interested in being counted for Peace! not War!  We can do this without a War as they are trying to create to take control.  They will not succeed.  The Creator is still on the throne!  You can believe it or not, but you are going to get a real eye opener we he speaks the word, I AM!